About Author

Glenn Usdin

Mr. Usdin has been a  published professional photographer for over 50 years, as well as a nationally recognized fire chief. Usdin’s fireground action images, as well as his highly evocative portraits, reflect a strong straightforward style. He was the Associate Publisher of Fire Engineering magazine in the 1980’s and has done work for numerous publications and advertising clients. They Saved New York is a stunning compilation of his photography, spanning almost 50 years of taking photos of fires and firefighters. He combines strong photographic skills with an innate knowledge of firefighting to produce the dynamic images in this book. Working initially in the busy NY metro area, he is now based in Lancaster PA. He is rarely without a camera at his side. Contact Glenn at glenn@theysavedny.com

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Best Seller Awards

John Abraham , Ph.d

Dan Potter

Dan Potter is a retired FDNY firefighter who has an uncanny ability to tell stories that bring the reader right into the firehouse and on the fire ground. Dan has developed a strong following from his frequent postings on social media. He is currently publishing a series of short stories of his journey from a teenager visiting his firefighter uncle in a busy war years firehouse, and bringing the readers through his career in many busy FDNY companies, up to his very close call with death as a 9/11 responder. Dan is very well respected among FDNY alumni. Contact Dan Potter at dan@theysavedny.com

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Best Seller Awards

John Abraham , Ph.d

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Chapter-1 Get Started Intro

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Chapter-2 The Roman Culture

It will help to improve your life career with the perfect and needed knowledge about your life.

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Chapter-3 How They Servived

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Chapter-4 The End Of Romans

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“I had the privilege of reviewing the book. It is an amazing tribute to a breed of men and women that greatly and positively impacted the lives of everyone in the City Of New York. A must read for anyone that has ever worn a fire helmet.”
Testimonial Client
Testimonial Rating

– Ray Maguire

Executive Director
Freeport Fire Department, NY
I was searching this book for many years and I was happy that I could find it here.
“The entire person is uncanningly captured by Glenn Usdin. In this book, Glenn and Dan Potter will draw you in to  some very human aspects of these very special people who have performed super human deeds.”
Testimonial Client

– Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder

Loveland Symmes FD, OH
Testimonial Rating
I had a question about the book and the author response was great & comfort.
“So very good. I am so proud of you all on making this book happen. What a treasured accomplishment. Amazing people, amazing life stories. Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to read it. It was a true honor.”
Testimonial Client

– Dan Peterson

Retired Fire Chief
Goshen NH FD
Testimonial Rating
I had a question about the book and the author response was great & comfort.
“This is a magnificent work. It provides a true understanding of the marriage between this great department and its members. It is an unwavering bond. Neither exists without the other… I am humbled to have stood in the shadows of these great individuals.”
Testimonial Client
Testimonial Rating

– Vito Maggiolo

Public Information Officer, DC Fire and EMS Department
Sent an email after to books arrived to ask about the author & I received a reply.
“Usdin and Potter capture the essence of the fires, the buildings, the apparatus and faces and soul of FDNY; the Jobs  and stories of the streets of New York - A phenomenal read with extraordinary photography, destined to be a classic.”
Testimonial Client
Testimonial Rating

– Christopher J. Naum, SFPE

Syracuse, New York
I was searching this book for many years and I was happy that I could find it here.
“This is storytelling! A marriage of stunning pictures and great writing that sets a new standard for fire service books. A definitive look into a much discussed era of FDNY history. They Saved New York is a must read.”
Testimonial Client

– Dave Statter

Testimonial Rating
I had a question about the book and the author response was great & comfort.

The Author’s Book

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“Rescue 2: A Century of Service” is a book project that is dedicated to all the firefighters of Rescue Company 2, living and passed.

Large Format Photo Book

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